To be or not to be: shadow to shadow! Peter Müller and Stefan Wey with their magnificent, deep and, in the literal sense of the word, beautiful production "Hamlet://Macht.Schatten.Play".
Theatre can be so beautiful, even if it is extremely dramatic and deeply sad. Two performances could now be seen at the T-Werk, well attended and much acclaimed. A magnificent, deep and, in the literal sense of the word, beautiful production!
.... In this way you can always see both at the same time, the play level of the puppets - and their shadows. You experience movements such as camera movements, revolving stage effects, focusing from small to large and vice versa, just like in the cinema, but live and soothing. The economy of the stage sets is also disarmingly beautiful.
- A universe opened up, a miracle of art! Meanwhile, not only once is the action interrupted with epic wit. This relaxes, brings a well-considered measure of cheerfulness into the performance. Everything remains playful in this splendid production, lightly led and full of depth. A masterpiece!
Apart from the gripping material that captivates the audience at all times, this is mainly due to the duo's special art of acting, which features real fireworks of visual effects that often resemble tracking shots, so that one often feels more like a film than a stage performance.
Peter Müller and Stefan Wey can confidently be called grandmasters of shadow theatre.
Their 110-minute Hamlet performance is not only powerful in format and depth, but also impressively multi-layered. With their different shadow dimensions, perfect image changes, close-ups, detailed panoramic views and downright camera movements, they open up perspectives that quickly cast a spell over the audience. This Hamlet is ultra-modern. Cinematically influenced and yet with classic aesthetics. Also because Müller and Wey - with some excursions into their own comedy - honour the linguistic model of William Shakespeare and in many parts literally present it. Vocally, the duo is also surprisingly versatile. Some scenes also require an almost sporting performance by both actors. "The rest is silence."
But the audience in the Stadtgarten did not want to submit to this dictate:
Minute-long applause was the well-deserved reward that Peter Müller and Stefan Wey received for this
really unique Hamlet performance.
He has a large court and a long tradition, the Prince of Denmark. So the two actors offered
Peter Müller and Stefan Wey many variations, technical tricks and cheerful insertions for a grandiose performance.
Each prop is used with precision, is occasionally commented on and sometimes serves the purpose of cheerfulness, like the umbrella with water dispenser at the beginning. The actors complement their puppets perfectly. If the one offers the head, the hand comes from the living person and due to the oversize of the shadows and the perfect distance to the lamp this is hardly noticeable. The mere guidance of the lamp by a few static figures conjures up a wild battle on the screen, in which horse and rider gallop past the spectator, and the use of the turntables gives the puppeteers the opportunity to become active at completely different places on the stage and even appear as shadows behind the curtain. The scene is magnificently realised when Hamlet brings the comedians to the court..............
"Theatre-goers who are curious about a special event far away from the usual performance should not miss this play".